Friday, January 6, 2012


Guess what?!  We got more snow last night.  And we are expected to get more tonight and tomorrow. 

Now, those who know me best have a clear understanding that cold weather and I do not get along.  We agree to live together, but we don't have to like it.  Why do I live here you ask?  I don't know.  If anyone has information on this, please share. 

I know it is only January 6th.  I know we are gaining light again.  I know that I will be much happier come the end of April when most of the snow is gone and the high temps are in the 40's or better (if we are lucky).  I also know that this pretty snow we have right now will be slick and blown around in February when the winds pick up and the temps drop drastically below zero for weeks on end. 

So I guess I will take a moment to breath in the peace and silence that comes with new snow as I look out my kitchen window. 

 Peace to you as well.

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing. It was well over 70* yesterday and going to near 60* today. I wish we had some of your snow so that we could have a winter.
    Miss you, love mom
