Saturday, June 11, 2011

What did you say?

What did you say? This has been a frequently used sentence lately. As I mentioned last week, this is the year for the 13-year cicada.

This particular insect spends 13 years in the ground, then emerges to mate and then die. It is much like an invasion of insects that are so incredibly loud that you might mistake them for a plane flying by, or when outdoors, have a very difficult time carrying on a conversation over their sound.

Here are a couple of pics from my Granny's back yard.

There are three in this pic. Can you spy them?

If you are interested in reading more about them, here is a link I found that explains more:

This is a video clip that has a good audio feed of their sound and some great close up video of the cicada in all of its stages.

Soon their sound will be over and we will have to wait another 13 years to hear them again. But the good news is that the 7 year cicadas are due up soon, or so I hear.

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