Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Get the army men out of the tub

The gall bladder is gone. My mother officially has one less a part of her guts. All is well and she is recovering.

Those 0f you that know my mom well, know that she is a worrier. So worried in her drug induced state of my that when dad called after she woke up she wanted to talk to me. People on drugs are funny! My mom is especially hilarious. She really needed to tell me that... "The army guys are in a green, no maybe clear, but probably green clear plastic tub. So find them and get them out of the tub." There were more words after that which didn't make much sense either, but don't you feel bad for the army men? I mean really, she didn't even know which tub they were in.

The report stands that the army men are not in a green or clear plastic tub. They have either escaped to try to make it on their own, or are in one of the 300 gray tubs that are stacked upon each other. I think I might just buy some at the store and tell her when she gets home that we found them. Think she'll know?

Seriously, all is well. Isaak had a pretty bad reaction to sleeping on the screened in porch the first night we were here. His eyes swelled almost shut, but are better today. Ellis might just have an ear infection. But that is expected since he never will blow his nose when he gets a cold. He just does the one thing that drives me NUTS, he sucks it in constantly. Celie and Avery are trucking right along. I have made more trips to Target, the grocery store and the hospital than one should ever do on vacation. Oh, well. Brad is loving his early morning jogs (minus the hail) and right now is on Papa's steroid lawn mower, mowing the whole county. He has his sunblock in one cup holder and a beer in the other. He is as happy as a kid in a candy store.

Still working on getting pics to this computer or getting ours wireless.

What a vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your Mom is okay...laughing out loud as I read this post. Making memories for sure!! ~Liane
