It is April and that means break up. Everything starts to melt and we are on high mud alert. However, this is what we had 4 days ago and again 2 days ago. I started to look for property for sale in Florida. Then my kids reminded me that they have hurricanes. So I started to look in Texas.
Tornadoes don't phase me.

This is the only picture I have from wrestling 3 days ago. Ellis took third, Isaak took third and Avery took second. Great work!

Today is Tuesday. The snow in the previous pictures melted later the same day and now we have mud.

Of course the boys love it. The garage floor and my washing machine don't.

Tonight we found some lawn chairs and sat on the front porch and watched the boys play. Celie spent her evening sitting at the dinner table complaining about dinner. Eventually she made it outside.

Cross your fingers that Spring continues to warm the earth and that the mud dries up quickly.
love the mud and poor celie, dinner is so hard to