Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dirt, dirt, and more dirt

Well, with Spring finally in full gear here (notice I did not say full bloom. We won't see anything really bloom until around May 5 or so) we have been able to get our full daily dose of dirt. It was mud until this weekend. Now it is dirt.

Brad brought out the dirt bikes for the boys this weekend and they barely took time to eat or do anything else all weekend. Unfortunately, Isaak's bike has an "issue".

So, Avery was kind enough to take turns with Isaak. But, Avery did make Isaak work for it. He would slow down as if to stop and give Isaak a turn, then quickly punch it and circle around him a few time.

That Avery is such a stinker!
I think he actually gave a classic evil villain laugh as he drove off in this shot.

Think Isaak is getting impatient?

Av is full of spunk and life. This is his typical response when he sees me with my camera, "Mom take a picture of me!"

Ok, I will.

Who could resist that, really?

Happy Spring, and happy ridin'!

1 comment:

  1. you boys look so happy out in the dirt...cute in your bike outfits and everything...I miss you and can't wait to see you. love Granny
