Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Gater Pit

Our new property has a natural pit area to one side of our house. Brad and the boys decided that Brad could even it out with some equipment and during the winter it would make a great snowboarding pit. I did. They called it the Snake Pit. Now that the snow is melting it has turned into a nice pond. I told Brad that would happen. His slope was way off. He didn't believe me. With the 45 degree temperatures, the boys decided to us our jet sled to boat around the pond last night. Here is what transpired. And sorry for the dark photos. It was very cloudy and nearly 8:00 at night. Isaak braved it alone, and found the crack that leaked, and soaked his pants, and got into his mud boots.
He convinced Avery to get into the boat too.

He just had to row to shore.

And get some help from Avery to stay at shore.

Come on Av, get in.

We'll use this stick like a paddle. I'll push us around.

And Ellis just watched.

And Celie fell down alot in her suit. But she said it was ok. Her suit was puffy and kept her safe.

Oh yeah, they renamed the pit. It is now the Gater Pit. I don't know why.

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