Thursday, March 10, 2011

Let's Do This!

In between windy days, Isaak and Avery took to some target practice with the air soft pistols and the b.b gun. They know they have to have eye protection when they shoot. This is what Isaak came down in to go out to shoot.
Let's see...
Hat to keep ears warm...check
Hoodie to stay warm...check-yes it is a saloon hoodie- it is the new Eskimo Joes now.
Air soft pistol in holster and on safety... check
Eye protection....double check...and oh, so, coooool
Last but not least, something to shoot at...check....What else would Alaskan kids shoot at? Coke cans? I think not.
He got to the garage door like this and yelled to Avery, "Let's Do This!"
Well, get on with your bad self then....


  1. you kids crack me up...granny

  2. Jessie,
    Yeah, Isaak is trying to come up with the next cool catch phrase. I'm not sure about this one, but we'll try to use it more often to see how it holds up in other situations.
    About the beer...times are is expensive...not much else to say.

  3. Whats wrong with a cold PBR?
