Saturday, March 16, 2013


Technology is trying to get the best of me again.  It is a daily battle I wage.  Most days I am able to keep my head above water.  Other days, I am beaten to a pulp by the sheer mass of information that my small brain can not comprehend.  Why do I go on about this you ask?  We have said goodbye to our dinosaur laptop, and hello to the world of Mac.
Yes, we have made the jump from PC world to the world of alignment for our home technology.  It is certainly taking me time to get used to manipulating programs and doing the "simple" things I used to do on the laptop.  But, we now have all our electronic devices "connected" to one another and "sharing" information with each other.  I don't really think we do, but the guy at the store assures me that is how it works.
On that note.  I have actually taken classes on how to use my computer.  I feel so old.  I really don't have time to take classes, but looks like I have to if I want to actually use it.  So, my blogging (and everything else I do) has suffered.  Yet, here I am today.  Giving it a try....
Ok, I'm done.  No more sniveling.  No more excuses.  On to the good stuff (if I can get the computer to do what I want).  Here are some pics of the kids' recent events.....

Av competed in the Jr. Native Youth Olympics this year.  He competed in the One Foot High Kick. It is pretty cool to watch.  Google it and you'll find some pretty spectacular footage.  His highest kick was 68 inches from the floor.  Very fun!

He also played volleyball for the school.  This picture cracks me up!  Looks like he coordinated his clothing with the mats in the gym!  Ha!

Here is what little E and baby O have done for most weekends in the month of January and bored at wrestling tournaments.  Isaak's season is over now (thank goodness).  But, club starts on Monday for us and all three boys will be practicing.  Bleacher butt here I come.  

I don't have pics of Isaak currently.  He is too busy being cool.  

Now that I was able to write this post in a satisfactory time frame, I look forward to posting about my latest trip to San Francisco!  Yup, that's right.  I went on a vacation.  Can't wait to tell you all about it.

1 comment:

  1. the post looks good! thanks for sharing the pictures...keep on sharing, I love it!
