Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our Sunny Sunday Adventure

Last Sunday we were all needing some exploring, bonding, quiet, communing time.  The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the creek was calling.  We grabbed our mud boots and off we went.

 This is undoubtedly my new favorite pic of the kids.  They were on there way.  They had a plan without planning. They were connected.  To each other, to nature, to the experience around them.

 Little E was determined to find fish.  The salmon are pretty much gone for the season. 

Baby O couldn't make it through the deeper sections of the creek without getting water in her boots.  Isaak helped her through.  Why didn't I?  Who else would have taken this sweet picture?  Also, Av was wearing my mud boots so I was in tennies.

 Later, she decided it didn't matter and she went plowing through the water anyway.  She said she was glad she did because now, "my boots make crazy noises when I walk."  They really did.  They were completely full of water!

 Av is always ready for a pic.  Funny kid.

 Baby O kept asking, "Can you see me?"  behind every tree we came across.  We have alot of trees.  She asked alot.  She stopped asking after I took her picture.  Why didn't I ask sooner?

I am always nervous about going to the creek.  We have every possibility of meeting this guy or one of his friends in the woods.  He was around on Saturday, not but a few feet from where we were playing.  He is a mere few inches from being legal.  Brad spent a good hour calling him in to make perfectly sure if he was legal or not.  He was not.  Too bad, he looks tasty.  He also looks like he would stomp me to death if we met on the creek.  I really need to consider getting a dog, or learning how to use a gun.  Let's start with the dog.  Better yet, lets take Brad with us next time. 

Great sunny fall day.  May have been our last.  Clouds are back, along with chillier weather.
Happy Autumn!

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