Monday, February 28, 2011

Ellis is 5!

Today Ellis turns 5! It is really hard to believe that he is that old! I was going to do pictures of Ellis in review of the past 5 years, but that became too many pictures to post. So instead I have complied some pictures of Ellis in his element...the natural sciences...

Ellis asked for a real brain for his birthday so he could "cut it open and see how it works". We explained that we would not be able to provide that, he would have to go to medical school to do that. But, perhaps we could find a model. "Ok", he says, "maybe you can get some real guts instead." HA! Always thinking that kid. I suggested he wait until hunting season and he could go to work on someones moose. He said he would think it over.

So here are the pictures of Ellis' never ending interest in science and how everything works.

3 years old. Poor minnow. He didn't know his life would end in the hands of a very curious 3 year old.

Learning about Aunt Barb's chickens.

Baby rabbit only a day or so old at Aunt Barbs.

4 years old. The things you can find in Alaska lakes. This one had a mussel in it. He tried to open it, but the mussel was not going to give up the fight.

Blueberries, easy target. Best way to learn about them is to wear them I guess.

Birthday today. Aunt Jessie and Uncle Jason send Ellis some bees, beetles, moths and grasshoppers to investigate. It came with this bug collection station that is portable and his very own pair of forceps for holding or examining the insects. He had asked this fall if he could poke a bee while it was sleeping to see what was inside. He said that if he did it while it was sleeping, it wouldn't hurt it. All of our insects were gone for the season so Aunt Jessie and Uncle Jason found some innocent insects that gave their lives for the sake of science.
Ellis is always curious and can't wait to learn more. School will be a blast! Happy Birthday my little scientist!


  1. Great Blog...that ellis is so funny and mom

  2. awesome. cant wait to see you all hopefully this summer!
