Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Random Update

I have a nice photo montage of our last three weeks. 

Some crafting...

Celie has been wanting a beret like Fancy Nancy.  This one is made from one of the boy's old ratty t-shirts.

Some dioramas.  Ellis had to depict a bald eagle habitat for school. 

This picture cracks me up!!!  It looks like she is carrying a GIANT goldfish!  It is just one of our sleds that the camera caught at an odd angle.  Hilarious!

 I posted a picture recently of Ellis and his backward clothing, shoes on the wrong feet and pants unzipped.  Then I found this picture.  He is that cool to hold his jump in the air while I take a picture.  Thanks buddy.

 Science Fair!

Granny sent this ridiculously gigantic t-shirt in a recent box.  Ellis decided he needed to shove 2 bean bags into it.  Yes, I said 2 of them.  The shirt is that big.

Oohh, more crafting.  Vintage and newer butterfly and dragonfly jewelery framed and labeled like an insect display at a museum.  Fun!
I'll have more soon.  I build a headboard recently and Ellis is loving it.  I have a few thing to complete on it before I post.  Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. Ellis has a new Brad style hair cut...these pictures are great! can't wait to see you all!
    love mom
