If you have read my blog for long you know my problem... snow. Yes, it snowed this weekend. It started Friday morning, but that melted off by afternoon. Saturday morning, however, huge wet flakes were falling fast. They didn't stop until late Saturday night. Reports are that we had around 6 inches which took our season snowfall above the previous record. Yippee (did you hear my sarcasm?). Easter morning brought blue sky and sunshine! Thank goodness! On to the more important events of the weekend...wrestling.
Can you tell that E is listening to coach?
This is one tough wrestler...he had a really tough match.
Words of encouragement.
Tournament results:
E took 2nd
Av took nothing (young for his weight class, rough group)
Ike took first (better than his club season last year- looked alot like Av's season this year)
Happy Easter!
This week I hope to get you some pictures of actual ground at our house. The weather woman reports lots of sun this week. With over 12 hours of daylight now, this snow had better melt!
Think warm thoughts.
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