Have you noticed that about this time of year all I blog about is either wrestling or the weather?
Today is the weather. Apparently we were set to get a big storm. The morning started at around 10 degrees, cloud cover and little wind. After school, 33 degrees, high winds, and snow/sleet. Yucky roads, stinging sleet to the face, slippery walkways. Gotta love February.
Ellis and Avery ask me daily when we are going to move to Missouri. They are tired of the weather too. My answer is always that we would have moved yesterday if we could. Yesterday will come some day.
Wrestling report: None. No tourneys for Isaak. High school state this weekend.
Here is a couple of random photo I found from Christmas. Christmas day aftermath. Kinda a reflection of how my mind is working most days lately. Like something threw up all over and then decided to put it in a whirl wind.
It has been in the 60* all week and sunny and bright. Wish you were here. this time Last year we had a record snow fall and blizzard condition...We are supposed to get rain and then turn colder. My fear is that we will get our big cold and snow in March when the buds are all out. THe big predictions are we will have lots of bugs..so get ready Brad for TICKS! love ya, mom