Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The difference between boys and girls.  Where do I start?  Having three boys before a girl makes observing their differences in play, interaction, and learning so interesting. 

Tonight this is how baby O played with the playmobil toys.  Organized.

 Yes, some of the people are missing hair.  Baby O says it is because some people just don't have hair.  Good observation. 

This is how the two younger boys played with the playmobil toys.  Carnage.

See the difference? 
I love that she is so tidy and organized.  That is my girl.  

One thing that is the same for both, they all like to run around the house in their underwear.  You would think that they didn't have any clothes.  However, by the time they reach 10 years old, it seems that their clothes stay on more often.  HA!

Gotta go, I have been summoned to be in charge of the pirates.  Argh, matey.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Where Does He Come Up With This Stuff?

Well, I am attempting to put my first video in my blog.  I was working on a long overdue project which required me to wade through what felt like a million photos.  I came across this short video that Brad or Avery caught by accident on Brad's phone this past summer while we were eating a Fuji's (I think that was the name). 

Anyway, upon review of the accidental video, we realized that we had captured a hilarious video of Isaak being, well...we are not sure what he is being. 

I laughed my butt off tonight watching it over and over.  Gosh, I love that kid. 


Monday, February 6, 2012

To the Moon

I was going to post about our lazy Super bowl Sunday, but tonight the moon was so amazing I couldn't help but share.  We set up the telescope and took turns marveling.  Tonight we could see what looked like heat waves around the moon surface.  Not sure they are true heat waves, but we are certainly going to do some research.  The craters were especially defined this evening.  Our universe is so amazing.

Here is how we saw the moon tonight.  I do not have the technology to take this picture, so I found this picture at
Full Moon

Thanks for the telescope Granny and Poppy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I love when we have company.  We have the pleasure of having some dear friends staying with the boys for tonight.  Here is what I came upon after dinner was over and all 5 boys had finished their homework:

Puzzles?  Really?  I couldn't believe it.  What a great sight.  Friends are wonderful.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Storm's Moving In

Have you noticed that about this time of year all I blog about is either wrestling or the weather?

Today is the weather.  Apparently we were set to get a big storm.  The morning started at around 10 degrees, cloud cover and little wind.  After school, 33 degrees, high winds, and snow/sleet.  Yucky roads, stinging sleet to the face, slippery walkways.  Gotta love February. 
Ellis and Avery ask me daily when we are going to move to Missouri.  They are tired of the weather too.  My answer is always that we would have moved yesterday if we could.  Yesterday will come some day. 

Wrestling report:  None.  No tourneys for Isaak.  High school state this weekend.

Here is a couple of random photo I found from Christmas.  Christmas day aftermath.  Kinda a reflection of how my mind is working most days lately.  Like something threw up all over and then decided to put it in a whirl wind. 