Today a bit of wisdom for you.
Since my trip to town yesterday to get a dehumidifier, which you would think you could find at Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, Fred Meyer, or Target, of which none of the previous mentioned stores carries a dehumidifier, however Sears carries only 4 dehumidifiers to choose from in the whole Valley (note my frustration and anger - that came from having to go to Walmart, I know it happens to you too).
Wait, what was talking about?
Oh yeah, wisdom.
So as I was driving madly around the Valley looking for said dehumidifier, there it was...
termination dust on the mountains. What is termination dust you ask? Here comes the wisdom for the day:
According to an unusual website about Alaska slang, termination dust is "The first, light dusting of snow; on the very tips of the mountains. It's a The first, big snow is just around the corner. This of course, triggers a huge shopping frenzy."
I did not take this photo. I found it online. I don't know what mountain this is, but it is a definite picture of termination dust.
I suppose my shopping frenzy was simply due to the termination dust. I sure wish I was in a shopping frenzy for new clothes, furniture, jewelry, you get the picture.
So, your wisdom for the day, termination dust. It is the end of my happy season. Darkness looms, cold will soon hibernate in my bones, and lots of hot chocolate is in my near future. Oh yeah, all the smiles and laughter I get from watching my kids play in the snow. Also looking forward to a new adventure in cross country skiing, Christa promises that I will love it! Does she know I don't like to be cold?
Enjoy your last hurrahs of summer for me everyone in the lower 48 (another bit of Alaska slang). Wanting cooler weather, think of me and I will send you all my chilly energy!
Happy Wednesday. Be wise and witful.
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