We have had several days of rain and were ready for some sunshine. I know there are many states needing rain and we are glad to share, however, Mother Nature hasn't been answering my calls lately. The other morning we woke to sun coming in the windows! Yeah!
We got right to work on some projects outside and the boys were busy building forts, making swords from sticks and chasing each other through the woods.
While in full swing on a furniture paining project, guess what surprised us? I felt one, then two, then a down pour.
That's right, rain. We quickly hustled the bookshelves into the garage and the boys took off their shirts and ran through the yard like we have been in a month long drought!
Here is what came of the rain and the boys...
WARNING!!! The following pictures involve our snake pit!
I hear mud masks help your skin look and feel younger and smoother.
Of course throwing mud is also necessary for a full mud experience.
Mud body drawings anyone?
Here is the snake pit. The rain left a nice puddle in the bottom and the boys couldn't resist trying to board down into it.
Why bother with a board? Why not body slide instead?
Ahhh, mud. Tons of fun, until you have to clean up.
I am thankful that my brother-in-law told us to install a hot water tap on the outside of the house as well as a cold one. The kids cleaned up in warm water. They were thankful. So was I. So much less mud in the house. Thanks Billy!
Looks like loads of fun...you are such a fun family...a warm water tap outside...Billy is awesome! love mom