Thursday, July 21, 2011

St. Louis Day 2

Today we went to the St. Louis Science Center and the Zoo.
Our first stop was this station. Totally fits right?!

Here we are in the natural science lab. Yes, we had to wear lab coats, safety goggles, and gloves. It makes for a realistic experience for the kids. The stations were really set up like a lab. Fun. The kids have been asking alot about DNA this summer and they had a DNA lab. We extracted the DNA from wheat germ! The computer takes you through each step and explains the science behind each step. Really interesting.

Everyone had steps to do. There were test tubes, stir sticks, pipets, scientific fluids to mix with and guided observations. Very well done and so very interesting.

Here is the DNA. See the white stuff floating in the clear liquid area? That is DNA. It was very cool. Each step was described perfectly for the learning mind. DNA extraction, who knew!

Here baby O played us a wonderful little tune on the laser harp. Very cool. No strings. As your hands pass over the laser, a specific note sounds. Technology always amazes me.

Inside the bird house, these little guys were quite friendly. Little E wanted to join the parade.

Little E outside the Bug House. This one is going in a frame for his room, right above his bug collection. He said that he couldn't decide what part of the zoo was his favorite, he loved it all!

The hippos were amazing to watch. So graceful under the water. They were trying their best to stay cool. It was a scorching 102 that day.

Another wonderful, science filled day. My mind feels so full! Full of facts, fun and memories!

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