Leave it to my family to make a already eventful and busy day, even more exciting.
First, little E came down with a 103 degree temperature in the early morning hours that Saturday. So, he was thus confined to the camper so as not to infect the masses with whatever he had. We still are not sure what he came down with. Brad and I took turns hanging out with him and all his sadness. He fell in and out of sleep all day, mumbling through his fever induced sleep with crazy comments like: "Isaak don't do that, I'm sick. You don't do that when someone is sick." Or my favorite, "WOMBAT!"
Unfortunately, my baby O, my nephew, my niece and our oldest all became prey of the same virus over the next week.
Second that day, we required a visit from the local 911 responders for a family member who had a diabetic seizure. She and the two family members that followed the ambulance to the hospital spent all the morning and a good portion of the afternoon away from the festivities.
All this before 9:30 am. Oh yeah, it also stormed and rained most of the early morning. That was not good since our plan was for outdoor dinning. The weather did clear up and the sun came out, but so did the humidity. However there was a nice breeze, that was redeeming.
Family began to arrive around 10:00 and the visiting and consumption of DELICIOUS food began. It was a great day. Grown-ups visited and talked, talked and laughed. The kids were everywhere playing together wonderfully and having a great time!
It is amazing to me how people who have not seen each other for so many long years can just pick right up and chat, like they had just talked yesterday.
I am so proud and honored to be a part of this legacy of Barnes.
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