Sunday, September 27, 2009
Just a few pics of the kids on the last "warm" weekend I spoke about on the previous blog. What is fall without a leaf pile to jump in?! I believe Ellis yelled "Cowabunga!" prior to the launch.

1 Mile Run
The boys participated in the Fall Fun Run Sept. 19. They did great. Isaak had spent the night at a friend's house, so in the morning when I picked him up, he was DRAGGIN'! HA! Ellis was really pumped about running a race by himself. They had a preKinder race just for little kids. It was adorable. Isaak's time for the 1 mile was 8:56 and Avery's was 11:01. They did great. It was great training for Isaak for his cross country meet this Wednesday. He will run the 1 1/2 mile. It will be fun. This was our last "warm" weekend. It is now cold (42 or so for a daily high) and the snow is half way down the mountains. (sigh) I knew it would be here soon, I just always hope it will surprise me and wait until November. Doesn't hurt to dream, right?!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
If you give a moose....
If you give a moose a muffin, he will ask some jam. If you give a moose a 375 H&H bullet to the neck he will charge you and get within 20 yards when you give him another bullet straight to the heart and he will drop like a sack of potatoes.
Yes, it is hunting season. Brad, inspired by other animal kill stories from the week (thank you Chris and Jason) started his hunting vacation early with a quick trip out to Point Mackenzie just to look. Two hours later, 7:30 am, Brad had a moose. Reference above story. The happiness in his voice was amazing! I haven't heard that in a while. Well, I will let the pictures tell the rest of
the story.

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